
  • $599.00
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  • Save $130

Enhance your world of sewing with the JUKI MO-654DE serger! The MO-654DE has built-in rolled hemming and performs all the popular overlock and flatlock variations. Create the latest fashion styles and home décor items, sewing light to heavyweight fabrics with the MO-654DE!

Small but big in power, our MO-654DE is perfect for your clothing construction projects. Create beautiful decorative bunched effects for sleeves, necklines, and skirts with their versatility. Decorate handkerchiefs with a rolled hem. Experience professional finish on your favorite creations with the JUKI MO-654DE!


Click here for more information - brochure and accessories 

What is the difference between this machine and the MO644D? JUKI Junkies has created a great table to help differentiate the two! Click here to compare!